After School Club Booking
Os dymunwch ddefnyddio clwb ar ol ysgol bydd rhaid i chi yrru ebost i ac yna byddwch yn derbyn ebost i lawrlwytho app class dojo.
Byddwch yn gallu archebu lle i'ch plentyn drwy yrru neges.
Mae modd archebu lle am y tymor neu ar dydd Gwener cyn 3 o'r gloch am yr wythnos canlynol.
Unwaith mae lle wedi ei gadarnhau byddwn yn gofyn am daliad gael ei wneud.
Cost y clwb yw £5 yr awr.
Os dymunwch rhagor o wybodaeth plis cysylltwch efo kim Jones (Arweinydd) y cylch.
If you wish to register your child for the after school club here is the email to express interest-
Once we receive your email we will send you a link to download the app class dojo. Once you have installed the app you can then book the days you wish for your child to attend.
Bookings can be made for the term or you will need to book on the Friday no later than 3 o clock for the week commencing.
You can also book during the week however we can not guarantee there will be spaces available.
Once confirmation of booking is received payment is due. Space for your child/children will not be kept if payments are not made.
If you require any more information please contact Kim Jones (Leader) on the above email.